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A place for Chase's mission to Portland, Oregon to be written in history... his history at least.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I've been thinking a lot about hard work. On Sunday we had a lesson in Sunday School about the pioneers and what it must have been like for them as they entered the Salt Lake Valley. After walking for so long and enduring so much, they couldn't just hop on over to Subway for dinner. They had to grow their own food and build their houses and life was just hard. They didn't know any better. But neither should we. Life is about hard work. We, through Adam was told it would be a lot of hard work. So, why are there so many people that think life should be easy for them? I guess the next time I'm not in the mood to go to work and get my hands dirty, I'll think about my ancestors and all they had to endure. It's in my blood to work hard and do it without complaining. My ancestors would be very disappointed in me if I did otherwise.

Rick left this morning to drive down to Lake Powell for the weekend. I will be joining him tomorrow but had a ton of stuff to get done before I leave including a young women's activity that I would feel way to guilty if I left Ali and Tresa to do themselves. It'll be a 6 hour lone road trip where I'll have lots of time to think and dream and sing to whatever song comes up on the ipod. There will probably be a lot of Neil Diamond and Josh Grobin and Cat Stevens.

FYI, Chase accomplished one more of his 2009 goals by trying out for and getting a part in the Alta High School play, "The King and I". October and November are going to be insanely busy. I love it!!!

That's all for now. Look Mandy, that's two posts within one week!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Where do I start?

Since my mom passed away, two years ago this December 30, I have often though how incredibly fast life's events are passing by. I wish I would have asked her if she felt the same way. I would love to have asked her if she felt as though the older her kids got, the more time sped up. So now that I have two college kids, one high schooler and my baby is in middle school (so thus, no longer a baby), I have many thoughts about where I am in life. What am I going to do now that my kids aren't completely dependent on me? I have so many goals and dreams and things that I want to do, I don't want anything to stop me.

Another thought is, I AM ABSOLUTELY NOT OLD ENOUGH TO HAVE THESE PEOPLE BE MY CHILDREN!. Seriously. I heard it from other moms in my stage of life and didn't really know what to think of them. Now I understand.

I will try to be more regular at blogging. No promises. This is really a statement for myself and an outlet for myself as a practice and preparation for bigger things to come. i know, makes no sense

In the meantime time, the following are the top ten things that have happened since Ty got his BYU acceptance letter:

10. Rick and Lisa finished off Brooke's Dance Room in the basement. Now our house is 100% complete after living here for 10 years.
9. Lisa and her sister's-in-law and I went to Idaho for our annual girl's trip and hung out with Kenneth Cope. I love my sisters!
8. Ty graduated from high school, Brooke "graduated" from Jr. High, Chase "graduated" from elementary and Ali continues to count down the days till her Trav (missionary) gets home (At the time of this post, we have 9 1/2 months left), work for orthopedic surgeons and finish up her associates degree at UVU
7. The Evenson Family purchases a boat!!!! They are now no longer seen doing yard work every Saturday, but rather are "at the lake".
6. Brooke Mich'l gets her patriarchal blessing. Amazing experience for Dotter and Parents.
5. Lisa and Ali try to talk Father into getting a new puppy. Getting no where fast. He's still in mourning for Duke.
4. Towne & Country Mortgage moves to a larger office space. This is a big deal believe it or not
3. Evenson Family moves Tyler to his new home away from home. No tears were shed (for the most part.)
2. Brooke makes Odyssey Dance Company's Halloween Production "Thriller"! Tears were shed from Mother out of pure excitement!
1. Rick and Lisa get called to be Stake Trek Masters for next year's Pioneer Trek. (After Rick was released from his Single's Branch which was merged with another singles ward).

bugged. I just tried to upload pictures to make this interest. It won't do it. I hate being technology challenged. I'll have ali help me.