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A place for Chase's mission to Portland, Oregon to be written in history... his history at least.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Ali did a funny post today about her quirks, you'll have to read it. But then i got to thinking, do I have any quirks? I don't know if I do. That's so boring. Ali said that two of mine are that I like dough of any kind - cookie, bread, brownie, pancake batter. I didn't think that was a quirk. I just thought that everyone did. Also, I listen to Christmas music the day after Halloween. Doesn't everyone? Tyler said I'm a clean freak. Now that's really boring. I need to be more like Ali and get some good quirks. Help me think of some please.


Brittany said...

I think a quirk that you have is you can never look bad! You always look so cute and elegant!

tonya wheeler said...

Does the word m&m mean anything to you?

John & Tresa Martindale said...

Purses!! and cute shoes!

billingsfam said...

I have noticed you tap your fingers for no apparent reason...... Now I do it.