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A place for Chase's mission to Portland, Oregon to be written in history... his history at least.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I've been trying to find some good pictures of my kids on my computer and don't have many to choose from until Ali downloads them for me. But I did find this from Christmas and absolutely love it. They look so old to me. Tonight was Young Men's/Young Women's. I had three of the four there with me (I'm 1st counselor). Ali was working. Yes, Chase was at YM tonight, pretending to be a big kid. The funny thing is that in 10 months, he will legally be there! That's weird. Thank goodness it's only the kids getting older and not Rick and I. --lisa


mandy said...

what a cute bunch.. man, they've grown up so fast!! I was editing a video from Jared's eagle the other day and little Tyler was in it and it made me laugh!! He was such a little guy! I LOVE that you started a blog! I'm completely obsessed.. it's so much fun. Love to have Sunday dinner sometime-- next two weeks won't work, but after that we're down!

Mitch said...

hi miss you guys! Hope all is well! Take care!

Brittany said...

i really like that picture of all the kids!!! They do all look older!
I can't believe that Chase is going to be 12?... Crazy.