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A place for Chase's mission to Portland, Oregon to be written in history... his history at least.

Monday, March 10, 2008


Yes, I am green with Blog Envy. I've just been checking out what's out there and who's doing what with their blogs, and again, my lack of time and creativity are showing through. How in the world do they do it? There are so many cute and creative things out there. One of these days I promise... Anyway...

I'm thinking about yesterday. For some reason, the first time ever, I forgot it was the day to change the clocks. I was busy doing my lesson for YW and sewing little "Family Fun" bags for my Mia Maid class of 12 girls. Ali came into the craft room and said, "Mom, Dad just texted me (he was at his ward), and said to tell mom that it's 11:00". My mind starting racing. 11:00? what does that mean? What's at 11:00? What could he be talking abo...." "Oh my gosh!!! Everybody run!!!". Luckily it wasn't really 11:00 but 10:15 and I had to be to church at 10:45 to play prelude for the sacrament. Anyway, somehow, I was able to shower, make-up, hair, get dressed, grab my stuff, and get the kids out the door and be there at 10:50. However, in my frenzy hurried state, I didn't bother checking how the kids looked. You would think they are all old enough to get themselves ready and look decent. Mostly yes. However, after I had played the first two songs and went to sitdown, I asked the kids (Brooke and Chase) if they had gotten a program. No. I asked Chase to go get one for us. Mind you, we are sitting in the third to the front row. He walked all the way to the back of the chapel and then all the way to the front and as he is slipping past me I notice that his tie is neatly tied, by him, and the long part of it is down to his knees. I said to him in a whisper, "Oh, Chase! Your tie is supposed to only go to your belt buckle!" "No, mom, it's supposed to go to your knees." "No, Chase, it's supposed to go to your belt buckle." "no, mom, it's supposed to go to your knees. Just ask Ty." Needless to say, fortunately I have a 17 year old that has some sort of Tie Fashion Sense and retied his brother's tie.

They still keep me laughing... -- lisa

1 comment:

mandy said...

i tagged you! check it out on my blog!